Computer glasses or computer progressive?

Experiencing issues when looking at your monitor? As a multi-focal wearer, this is often a challenge.
Progressive lenses allow you to see at different focus levels. The computer (or intermediate) level is the portion as you lower your sight line down slightly. If this is working for you, that’s great. For others, specifically for those who have desktop or multiple screens directly in front of them, it may not. This results in having to lift your chin up to see your screen properly. Not an ideal position to be in over the course of a work day.
Luckily, there are solutions: computer or computer progressives.
A computer-only pair is calculated to make the entire lens focus on the screen or screens allowing for and normal head posture and ease of work. Long distance (say across the office) won’t be clear and neither will small print up close. For some, this is the perfect solution.
If you need to both computer as well as reading, the solution is a computer progressive. Similar to a regular progressive, they are a multi-focal design, however the long distance portion of the lens is replaced with the computer screen prescription. In other words, the upper portion of the lens is now the intermediate prescription, allowing the patient to look directly at their screen(s) while maintaining a normal head posture. You now can simply lower your sight-line and look through the more magnified lower portion to read anything up close. The perfect solution!
If you are experiencing any issues concerning your computer work, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss the best solution for you.